This compliance both in Educational or Commercial setup requires regress inspection and permission .
The first thing you will need to do is have an architect design the pool as per laid down specifications. The next step will be to get the land registered in your name under commercial property. Have the swimming pool plan approved by the Directorate of Town & Country Planning or the District Municipality or any other Government agency authorized to give building permission in your state. This will be the same agency that gives permission to build houses etc.
After, the swimming pool has been constructed you will need to apply for a license from the licensing unit in your state. In Delhi, for instance the responsibility to issue such licenses lies with the Delhi Police.
States generally have laws for governing swimming pool licensing and controlling regulations. A pool for Educational or Commercial can be operated only if meets the set specifications and have a license. This will include- Source of water
- Water treatment plant
- Specific size
- Safety measures etc
This is a very rigorous process before a license is granted and we have the remedy for your worries .
Give responsibility to us and we will do it for you .
Dreams don't work unless you make action. (OSC Global is here yo guide you!)